Connect to a Church Community

None of us is meant to follow Jesus alone. That's why when we begin following Jesus we're brought into Jesus' family. The church is a not a place to impress anyone, but a place to find genuine relationship with others who can walk alongside you through life's ups and downs. Better News is sponsored by Cross of Grace Church, located in central El Paso, TX. 

Services at the church are 9:00am and 11:00am every Sunday morning. 

Not in the El Paso area?

Cross of Grace is part of the family of Sovereign Grace Churches. Sovereign Grace includes over 70 churches located in countries throughout the world. Each church in Sovereign Grace is led locally, but they are united in their doctrine, in practical partnership, and in gospel mission.

We also agree with and support The Gospel Coalition's confessional statement. The Gospel Coalition’s church list can also be a helpful resource for finding a church in your area.