Jesus Movement - One Change to Save the World

Maybe you're not quite sure that there's anything after this life, that you’ll just cease to exist when you die. Well, today Pastor Ricky will help us see a little more clearly just how much death has been changed through the work of Jesus Christ. You’ll learn today that death is not the end and that you are an eternal being. Right now, right where you are listening, you have the capacity to choose where you're going to spend eternity.

Jesus Movement - The Secret of the Soil, Part 2

In the book of Hebrews, the writer describes the Bible as a sharp two-edged sword that divides right to the center of your very being. This spiritually surgical characteristic is unique to the Bible. You can read a certain passage and sense the overwhelming blessing and joy that comes from knowing Jesus. Then you can dive into another section and feel the weight of conviction because of a hidden sin in your life. Pastor Ricky shares with us today that the word of God is rich and full of blessings as we engage it. 

Jesus Movement - The Secret of the Soil, Part 1

We’ve probably all heard someone say, “Ah, well of course I'm a Christian. My grandfather was a pastor” as if familial proximity is what saves us. If you’re joining us and under that mindset, stay with us as Pastor Ricky will be debunking the idea that just knowing about God or even knowing some of His Word is the same as actually knowing God. You’ll learn that a personal connection with God, through Jesus, is the only way to guarantee eternal life.

Jesus Movement - Called In, Sent Out, Part 2

For thousands of years, the Sabbath has been a topic of hot debate. “What even is the Sabbath?” “Do I need to keep the Sabbath?” “I'm not even Jewish.” Actually, there's a lot more to the Sabbath than whether you're Jewish or not. Today Pastor Ricky will help you see that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. What Jesus says is what goes for the Sabbath. The bottom line is that you need the Sabbath. It's not a “have to” it's a “get to” and the more you see the Sabbath as a blessing, the more it actually will be a blessing in your life.

Jesus Movement - Called In, Sent Out, Part 1

Pause for a moment and ask yourself, when was the last time I really had a full day of rest? Like nothing going on, just relaxing, enjoying my family, doing nothing. If you're like most Americans, you probably can't remember a single day like that. We seem to always be on the go. Today Pastor Ricky challenges this practice by introducing the true meaning of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for you, not you for it. That's the first thing that you need to know.

Jesus Movement - True Rest for Restless Hearts, Part 2

Maybe you have the same mindset as most Christians, “Pastors and evangelists are the ones that are called and supposed to go to other countries to tell people about Jesus. It’s not my job.” If that's what you're thinking, then you're in for a surprise today. Pastor Ricky is going to share that all work is holy work. This means that you're a missionary right where you are, right there in your job, your home, and your school. Are you being faithful to share Jesus with those around you?

Jesus Movement - True Rest for Restless Hearts, Part 1

Do you have that fire in your gut to always keep moving? Maybe you can't sit still and work doesn't even feel like work for you. Well, a solid work ethic is something to be thankful for but what about rest? What about Sabbath? Today Pastor Ricky reminds us that a day of rest is only a shadow of the eternal rest that we have in Christ. One day all of your work and effort will fade away as you begin your eternal life with Jesus. But what about now? Are you restful, restless, or fully rested? Remember the Sabbath was made for you, not you for it.

Jesus Movement - When Religion Misses the Point, Part 2

I think I would probably be pretty terrified to hear Jesus say,” I'm going to blow that up.”  But you get Pastor Ricky’s point. Jesus will not ever, never ever ever, coexist with our worldly opinions and ideas. He wants to be the absolute center of our lives. Then all of our thoughts and opinions can flow out of that relationship with Him. Today Pastor Ricky will help you identify places where you might be holding on to your own ideals, rather than the ideals of the kingdom.

Jesus Movement - When Religion Misses the Point, Part 1

Well, I don't know about you but I love a good summer cookout. The warm sunshine surrounding you, an ice-cold drink in your hands, and the smell of meat cooking on the grill, it’s wonderful. It's a feast. The Bible is full of talks like this about good meals and friends around the table and today, Pastor Ricky helps us understand the difference between fasting and feasting. Religious people in Jesus' day really missed the point and Jesus had to help them see more clearly.

Jesus Movement - Jesus, Lies, Zombies and Hope, Part 2

The last time you were with us, Pastor Ricky began unpacking the horrendous life of a leper, what it look like, what it felt like. It was awful and anyone who came into contact with someone who had leprosy steered completely clear. Not Jesus though. Jesus walked right up to those affected with leprosy and provided the healing that they needed. So what about you? How do you respond to those that are in need? Maybe even full of sin? Pastor Ricky will challenge you to be willing, just like Jesus was, and help those in need.

Jesus Movement - Jesus, Lies, Zombies and Hope, Part 1

It's really hard for us to imagine what it was like for someone infected with leprosy. It wasn't just the physical suffering that one endures with a major illness, it was more. It was complete isolation. These poor people were cut off from everyone they knew and loved. Today Pastor Ricky will help you see that you were the leper in God’s eyes. You were infected with sin. You were isolated from God and because of the work of Jesus you have been brought near to God.

Jesus Movement - From Teacher to King, Part 2

Stop and think about the world that we live in. It's shifting sand, everything's changing all the time. There's very little that's stable in this world. This is one of the main points that Pastor Ricky is making today. Jesus is the firm foundation that you can stand on. You can trust Jesus for all of your life, not just the big things, the small things too, and the best part is that Jesus doesn't change. His mission is the same as it was yesterday. It'll never change and you can partner with Him in that mission.

Jesus Movement - From Teacher to King, Part 1

Hollywood has portrayed the battle between God and Satan as ongoing, like one day God gets a victory and then the next day Satan gets one. But that's not the case at all. God completely won the battle against Satan at the cross and this victory is final and it’s eternal. The wonderful truth about this fact is that you can trust Jesus as the supreme victor. Pastor Ricky will unpack the kingship of Jesus in his message today. You’ll learn that Jesus has you, every part of you, whatever you're facing now and whatever you will face in the future.

Jesus Movement - From King to Kingdom, Part 2

None of us who name the name of Jesus in our lives wants to be known as Instagram followers of Jesus. We want to be known as real genuine followers of Jesus who do His will and live for His purposes here on earth. That's the difference between your kingdom and the kingdom of God. Today Pastor Ricky will continue to show you the stark difference and how you can move from pursuing your own thing to a life of fulfillment in the center of God’s will.

Jesus Movement - From King to Kingdom, Part 1

You may be wondering if you have ever really repented? Pastor Ricky wants to encourage all of us today, repentance is something that should be a normal and regular part of our lives. Why? Because though we are destined for heaven as followers of Jesus, we still sin every single day. Perhaps that's you and you find yourself in the mire of sin and long to be set free. Join us as Pastor Ricky shares more about what the glorious Kingdom of Jesus looks like.

Jesus Movement - From the Wilderness to the Garden, Part 2

Even Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane prayed and asked God would remove the cup or spare Him from the suffering that He knew was coming but there was no other way. Jesus, the perfect man, had to die in our place in order to make a way for us to be reunited with God. This single act brought complete cleansing for our sins. The simple way to access this cleansing is to place your faith in Jesus.

Jesus Movement - From the Wilderness to the Garden, Part 1

Throughout all of history, many have spoken in the name of God. There were the prophets and sages that had words from God for all of mankind. Today as Pastor Ricky continues in Mark chapter one, you'll learn that the definitive voice of God was in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the final voice from God because Jesus is God. When you read the words of Jesus you can take it to the bank. He’s speaking on the authority of His Father in Heaven.

Jesus Movement - From First to Second, Part 2

Last time you were with us, Pastor Ricky began to unpack what it means to be a part of a Jesus movement and this movement is so very countercultural. Think about how the world instructs you to get ahead. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there and you're encouraged to step on and over anyone who gets in your way. Well, today Pastor Ricky reminds you that the Kingdom economy is much different than the world's economy. Jesus says if you want to be first then you need to learn to be last.

Jesus Movement - From First to Second, Part 1

The turmoil in our world today is at the highest levels that we've ever seen. A quick flick of the channel on your TV, or a scroll on Facebook and you'll see that we are divided and one of the saddest things of late is the contribution of the church to this matter. Yes, we do need to be divided on certain issues, there's no question, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself what the world really needs? Pastor Ricky invites you to join him on a journey in Mark where you’ll learn what it means to be a part of a Jesus movement in our day.

The Perfect Family? - The Perfect Child, Part 2

What a beautiful truth. As Pastor Ricky leads us through the story of Christ's humble birth, we’re reminded that no one would have been turned away from that manger. Jesus came for you. He knew full well the brokenness that He was being born into and He willingly took it so that you and I could be made clean, once and for all in the eyes of God. You don't have to get yourself right. Just come to the humble King who longs to embrace you and make you whole.